History Of Dependability St. Francis HI Sen. Sec. School
St. Francis HI School was started when a few deaf students joined Saint Francis Home MR School for the intellectually challenged children as there was no deaf school in the area. As the number of deaf students seeking education at Saint Francis Home Pathankot kept on rising , it had become imperative to take a call on the issue.It was then a decision was taken to startSt. Francis HI School for the deaf children. In 2010, with two teachers who were qualified in sign language and trained to teach the deaf students, St. Francis HI School was started. It took nine years to prepare them for the matriculation examination under the regular curriculum. The only concession we demanded from the Punjab State Education Board was that they should be exempted from the second language because additional language would over burden our deaf children as we learn language by listening to others. In fact, the concept of mother tongue is an alien concept to a deaf person as she or he never heard the voice her or his mother It is a matter of joy for us that all our students passed the exam and are pursuing their Plus Two in Commerce Stream at St. Francis HI School, Pathankot. It is our fervent hope and prayer that our deaf students should be able to pursue higher studies at Shakuntala Devi University, Lucknow
Though the students are encouraged to do well in their studies by providing the best possibleenvironment, St. Francis HI School Pathankot does not restrict education only to book learning. They are encouraged to take part in co-curricular activities like games, classical dance and paintings. Though they had won the district volley ball tournament, the district did not make the grade at the state-level though St. Francis HI School retained the title of best volley ball players.
Yes, with God’s help, we hope they would go far in life and prove that the sum total of their disabilities would beless than their achievements in life.

Higher class of st . Francis HI school +1 class with commerce stream